Customs Warehouse: solution for the exceeded temporary admission time-period (18 months)

Oct. 28, 2020 |  Customs & Tax - Blog - 

A vessel under the temporary admission relief must not remain in the European Union for more than 18 months in a row. If the vessel is not able to touch a non-EU port within this allotted time, it is possible to set the latter under the customs warehouse regime.

We can set a non-EU vessel, currently stuck in the European Union, under the customs warehouse regime in France. This regime will suspend the 18-month temporary admission time-delay (within a maximum of 24 months altogether). Tax and duty will also be exempted during this period until the vessel leaves the European Union.

Do not hesitate to contact us should you be interested by this procedure.

Stay safe and take care.

Best regards,

The YMCA-Team
T: +33 (0)4 92 00 43 90

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